A bomb crater caused when the revetment
of bombs exploded. [ Paul Silveus photo ]
Sorting out what's left to see if anything was worth
salvaging, there was. [ Paul Silveus photo ]
My cubemate for the few months I lived in the barracks, don't
remember his name. [ Paul Silveus photo ]
The TSgt with the drink was TSgt Burrel, my boss, don't remember the
other TSgts name. [ Paul Silveus photo ]
Couple of the rough terrain forklifts after the fires and
explosions-April '69. [ Paul Silveus photo ]
Me on an MJ-3 Jammer in the vehicle yard.
[ Paul Silveus photo ]
A view of the vehicle yard, a couple H-11 crane trucks are in the
background. [ Paul Silveus photo ]
Nancy Sinatra singing these Boots Are Made For Walking
[ Jerry Sanger photo ]
Rocket damage Gunfighter Village June 67, restoring power
[ Jerry Sanger photo ]