August 1997 the "Norwegian Aviation Museum" in Bodo, Norway received F4E
67-0333 in a trade from the USAF Museum. According to the information we
have at the museum, this specific aircraft operated in SEA during 1972,
in the hands of 35TFS, 366TFW. The rumours also have it that on May 23rd
1972, Cpt. James M. Beatty Jr. and 1Lt James M. Sumner downed a MIG21 flying
"333". Could anyone please verify this ? As we would like to bring the
aircraft back to it's 1972 colour scheme, we would also like to make contact
with anybody who can supply us with photo of "333" in its "original" form,
or in any other way assist us with information in this matter.
Ole B. Jensen,
If you have any information on "333" go to the Gunfighters Forum or email me:
here to go to the forum Hi
are free to post these photos. Photo number 1 is from DaNang, and shows
the inside of nosewheel door of "333" as painted by SSGT Tadashi
T. Kano (crewchief "333" in '72).
best regards
Jensen |
[ Photo by Mike Galloway, Crew Chief of "333" ]
[ Photo by Ole Jensen ]
[ Photo by Ole Jensen ]
[ Photo by Ole Jensen ]
[ Photo by Ole Jensen ]
[ Photo by Ole Jensen ]
[ Photo by Ole Jensen ]
[ Photo by Ole Jensen ]
[ Photo by Ole Jensen ]