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    I, Gary Ganskow, am writing a little about the purpose of the Forward Air Controller (FAC)
for those of you who may not know but are interested. In Viet Nam no jet fighter took off
until a FAC was airborne. The jet fighters were to fast and could not hit their target with some
of the armament they carried at that time. The FAC would go in low and slow and mark the
target. They also tried to draw ground fire so they could report it to the fighters for when they
went in and dropped their payloads. Knowing if enemy ground fire was present or not made
a difference to the fighter pilots. The main aircraft used as FAC were the O1, O2 and the
OV-10 aircraft. Each carried rockets for daytime sorties or a combination of rockets and flares
for night sorties. The O2 and OV-10 did carry a 20mm gattling gun with  rockets and flares
sometimes. The OV-10 more often than the O-2.
   We started out in the Gunfighter Village. We then moved to the other end of the base in the
Snoopy Compound. We were there for a few months. We finally ended up back at the Gunfighter
Village in new barracks. Out of the year we were there, we did not lose one G.I until we moved
back to Gunfighter Village in the new barracks. No one knew he was hit. Everyone thought he
was sleeping in because he did it before on his days off. We came in after our shift and went to
wake him up for chow and he had been hit in the head during the rocket attack we had during the
night before. I do not remember his name. I think that hurts the worst!
   Thanks for listening to my remembrance of the "growing up in the 60's".  Gary Ganskow


      Gary taxing from the fuel cell to the tie down area after a flight to Tam Ky
      and back. (Gary Ganskow photo)


     Gary just removed all saftey lanyards from the rocket pods so
     this FAC O-2 could take off. (Gary Ganskow photo)

  Part of the Navy yard at Danang 1969. You may have
  passed this area on the way to China Beach from
  the main gate by the main exchange.
  (Gary Ganskow photo)

          O2A reventment Charlie 8 21838, 1969
          (Gary Ganskow photo)

             A1C Torians aircraft, 21351, 1969
             (Gary Ganskow photo)

        Aircraft launch and retrieval area, 1969
        (Gary Ganskow photo)

                  Open fire zone, rear perimeter,
                  Snoopy Compound 1969
                  (Gary Ganskow photo)

          Perimeter of Danang, rear of 20th TASS
          Snoopy Compound 1969
          (Gary Ganskow photo)

                  A1C Robert Gustofson 1969.
     He is parking his aircraft. (Gary Ganskow photo)

      A1C Freeman at Gary's aircraft 21395. 1969
      (Gary Ganskow photo)

        A1C Nieto, finally got the day off. 1969
        (Gary Ganskow photo)

       Getting ready for a night mission, 1969
       (Gary Ganskow photo)

       Night mission, 1969 (Gary Ganskow photo)

          Gary Ganskow and A1C Bramble in the
          background. 1969 (Gary Ganskow photo)

        20th TASS maintenance hut, 1969
        (Gary Ganskow photo)

         Gary Ganskow cleaning the rear engine cowling
         after a perfect flight. 1969. (Gary Ganskow photo)

This is Gary's plane today, 1999 [ Gary Ganskow photo ]

  Sgt Patterson, Gary Ganskow and A1C Torian. 1969
 (Gary Ganskow photo)

   Sgt Patterson and Gary Ganskow at bunker #3
   in the AGL area. 1969 (Gary Ganskow photo)

 A1C Leatherman defueling Torian's Acft. 1969
 (Gary Ganskow photo)


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