Bob Kuzmicki (366th AMS 7/69 - 7/70) taped these audio files while at Danang. They are recordings of the sirens and warnings over the base speakers during rocket attacks.
You will need an mp3 audio file player to play these files. The
windows and other operating systems should be able to do this. If you can't play
them, let me know.
Russell Harrell (366th Security Police, 1969) taped this rocket attack. This is a wav file.
The attached WAV file is a rocket attack from Sept. 1969. Tim Quinlan The Mighty Quinn 68-69
Danang Tower Traffic around 10/3/71 from Ed Burchard
Rocket attack 10-3-71
Rocket Attacks and Captain Audio (August, 1969 and April, 1970) submitted by Bruce Hill